Deadwind Sea

Now available as an Audiobook!

When the unluckiest shepherd in the village marries the most beautiful woman in the country, tragedy sparks Deadwind Sea‘s [Amazon | Kindle | Other] fantastic voyage to the Land of the Dead.

Cover art by Ferdinand Po

Impressively, Deadwind Sea never gets predictable…it both
satisfies and confounds reader expectations while also being
unabashedly romantic…Warmth emanates from its pages.

—Jamie S. Rich, Editor at VERTIGO COMICS

As Sergio’s ship of stories carries him toward the setting sun he encounters the world’s laziest pirates, a monster hunter displaced in time, ancient Rome’s answer to the Marx Brothers, and a psychotic Kris Kringle. Arriving at last on the shores of the mythical continent that civilization would later call America, Sergio plunges into a drama that leads him far beyond the world’s horizon.

Josh wrote Deadwind Sea while living in his camper in the Arizona desert with his dog, Lucyfurr, whose dad’s owner’s mom and her husband were the gracious provisioners of parking space and delicious dinners.


Brigham Ratchet performed by Reid Reimers and Jared Brandon Voyage of the Ice Mage performed by Maia Mills-Low The Hunter’s Bullet performed by Sarina Hart Sophie’s Story performed by Samantha Pollington